Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Japanese Women Wrestling on YouTube

Thanks to YouTube, I have had to totally redo this entire post.
It seems they deleted every single video that I had put here.
Thanks YouTube!

Japanese Women Wrestling on YouTube

Anyway, I went back into YouTube (which I am sure I will regret doing later) and got the top five most popular Japanese Female Wrestling videos there.
Watch them while you can before YouTube takes them down again....

Pro Wrestling WAVE #121
Kana vs Melanie Cruise.
Yumi Ohka vs Hikaru Shida

Kana vs Mio Shirai

Manami Toyota and Blizzard Yuki vs Takako Inoue and Kyoko Inoue

Akira Hokuto vs Mayumi Ozaki


Nagayo vs Devil Masami

Syuri vs. Makoto

NXT'S Asuka/Kana Vs Hikaru Shida