Friday, November 12, 2010

Manami Toyota Wrestling Kyoko Inoue

Here is Manami Toyota taking on Kyoko Inoue from March 31st, 1996.

You know...I know both Manami and Kyoko are highly skilled athletes, but when I saw Manami going to the ring at the beginning of the video, the only thing I could thing was "My God...her hair is beautiful!"

Anyway, both of these women are Joshi legends.

Manami made her pro wrestling debut in 1987...

Manami Toyota - wrestling women - wrestling - japanese womenand Kyoko debuted the next year in 1988.

Kyoko Inoue -  women wrestling - japanese women wrestling - female wrestling
This match is a sequel to Manami and Kyoko's match in 1995, which won the Wrestling Observer Match of the Year.

And this match takes off like a rocket with a missed dropkick, a giant swing and a kiwi roll all in rapid succession.

Manami Toyota - Kyoko Inoue - wrestling womenComing up from that, they go into the classic test of strength...

Manami Toyota - Kyoko Inoue - wrestlingWhich leads into Kyoko unleashing an array of submission moves on Manami...

Manami Toyota - Kyoko Inoue - japanese women

Manami Toyota - Kyoko Inoue - women wrestling

Manami Toyota - Kyoko Inoue - female wrestling

Manami Toyota vs. Kyoko Inoue - AJW 12/8/96 by Uppgreyedd

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