Monday, June 14, 2010

The Bloody Versus Sumie Sakai

Okay, this is a different type of Joshi match.
This one is from the JD' Star wrestling promotion back on April 29th, 2001.
It's The Bloody taking on Sumie Sakai in a match that would be right at home in the old ECW.
It's another really high quality video posted by nagashimark on YouTube.

The Bloody is five foot two, one hundred and forty pounds and made her wrestling debut in 1994.

Her opponent Sumie Sakai is five foot one, one hundred and twenty pounds and made her wrestling debut in 1997.

Like I said, this particular match would have been right at home in the old ECW promotion here in the states.

The Bloody comes in with a stick and waits for Sumie.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai - women wrestling - wrestling promotions
Sumie comes in, but doesn't wait and runs across the ring, slapping The Bloody and they both go into a mutual hair pull as the ref struggles to separate them.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai -  japanese women - wrestling promotion
They separate, and give each other a not very loving look before the bell rings.
It's obvious these two ladies don't really care for each other.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai - female wrestling - women's wrestling
After a brief exchange, The Bloody winds up on the top turnbuckle and gives Sumie a double arm hangman.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai - female wrestlers - womens wrestling
The action goes outside of the ring and up into the cheap seats, culminating in The Bloody taking a suicide dive off an upper level onto a prone Sumie.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai - japanese women wrestlers - female wrestler
And what use would going up into the bleachers be without the standard piledriver through a table?
Well in this case, the table doesn't break and Sumie takes the hit.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai - wrestling women - piledriver
Channeling the great Sabu, The Bloody wraps her hand first in a chain, then masking tape to inflict more punishment upon her hapless opponent.

The Bloody - Sumie Sakai - woman wrestling - japanese female
And this is just part one!

To see the rest, check out nagashimark's channel and see part two, and see some other great Joshi matches.

The Bloody Versus Sumie Sakai posted to on June 15th, 2010.

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