Monday, February 26, 2007

Michiko Omukai - Japanese Women Wrestling

Michiko Omukai - Japanese Women Wrestling
Wrestler Name: Michiko Omukai
Born: May 30th, 1975
Hometown: Iwate-ken Kuji Shi, Japan
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight: 143 lbs. (65kg)
Pro Wrestling Debut: January 11th 1992 versus Shiho Nakamigawa at Ibaraki
Wrestling Promotions: Freelance - runs M's Style, was ARSION - License No. 5
Finishing Moves: Shining Wizard, Tiger Suplex, B3 Bomb, Rolling Savate, Crucifix Armbar, Diving Enzui Knee Drop
Nicknames Beauty Venus, Chama

Michiko Omukai - japanese female wrestling

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michiko Omukai, you are really amazing, I never ever see the wonderful wrestler woman like you, I wish you always to be the best and happy in your life, I like you so much,
