Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Devil Masami - Japanese Wrestling

Japanese female wrestler Devil Masami was born on January 7th, 1962 in Kitakyushu, Japan.
She trained at the All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling Dojo and made her pro wrestling debut on August 21st, 1978
Devil worked for the AJW wrestling promotion from 1978 to 1995.
During that time she held the WWWA World Tag Team Championship on August 10, 1982 (with Tarantula), the All Pacific Championship and the WWWA World Championship.
Devil left AJW and went to work for GAEA Japan in 1995.

Devil Masami-Boston Crab

There she held the AAAW Singles Championship, the WCW Women's Championship (WCW was working with GAEA at the time) and the AAAW Tag Team Championship (with Aja Kong).
On November 29, 1998, she was inducted into the All Japan Womens Hall of Fame.
In 2005 she went back to AJW and wrestled in the main event of AJW's final card on April 17th, teaming up with  Amazing Kong to take on (and defeat) Kyoko Inoue and Misae Genki.
On December 30, 2008, she wrestled her retirement match and left the business after 30 years.

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